Sally Wilkinson has just returned from Asia where she was able to make an extended visit to the Galilee Home in Burma. Galilee has taken in a number of new children this year expanding their family to 45 kids.
“Mama Sally” spent each day with the children in their rooms, sharing with them as they go about their day, and doing her best to make a special connection with each one.
She conducted art classes using the class-set of paints and supplies she brought from the US. She also had the privilege of conducting a seminar for all the seminary students of Union Biblical Seminary. During the question and answer portion of the seminar students satisfied their curiosity about America as Sally fielded questions on topics such as: Asbury University, Interhope’s work, American culture, the dangers of online social networks, homosexuality and sexual permissiveness in America, etc. One student asked, “What do Americans think about Burma?”